New Major Talent Show, filming at Universal Studios!

Hello to all of the hard working dance teachers and studio owners!

We’re a new major talent show, accepting audition videos worldwide that will be filming at Universal Studios and doing a cross country tour!!

Watch the quick video just for Performing Arts business teachers/owners:

We want to give you some very unique totally free exposure opportunities to expand your performing arts business and to help spread the word about what we’re doing here at CLT and how we’re helping talent, businesses and charities grow.

Here a few things we offer with no costs, commissions etc.

We will:
– Increase your studio/school name recognition
– Give your business more social proof via our social media and website
– Raise your SEO score when people search online for somewhere to enroll
– Bolster your authority rating for your website with articles about your amazing coaching and local programs.
– Increase the goodwill between your students, parents and your business.
– Activate the personal growth and joy of your current students, providing a fun and memorable opportunity to shine their brightest- and tell all their friends and social media followers about YOUR programs.

We do all of this at no cost while positively encouraging new enrollment and better bottom lines.

All of you have great talent already and want to make every student feel special and see them grow from being part of your programs. You work so hard to be everything to everyone, solve all the issues, stay on top of the latest things and be motivated to keep going yourself.

It’s so challenging these days to do that while trying to keep up your dream business plan, your social media plan, the family customer service, rehearsals, competition planning, the rent, the phone calls, the emails, the utilities, the complaints and on and on.

We’ll give you a hand- simply because it helps others and that is our mission.

On top of the business growth items, we provide a very quick and simple way to give your students a special long lasting community oriented confidence building experience and added value so they and their parents keep wanting to come back to grow your business year after year.


We are entertainment industry pros and have worked diligently with input from many performing arts school owners and the feedback of their talented students to make the Charities Love Talent opportunity absolutely easy and wonderfully effective for all involved.

*To get started let’s feature you in our Coaches Corner section to draw more traffic to your school. Just fill this out, takes just a couple minutes of your thoughts and good memories Interview form here.

Then we will reach out on the simple next step to get all the other benefits- free.

Let’s dance and make a meaningful impact together!

From all of us at Charities Love Talent.

See our story here


Thank you for joining us and doing good!