Supporting your Business requirements (First Aid Training (UK)) 

Power Medics is here to provide an introduction to regulations around First Aid Training. Look out for part 2 where we will be sharing more insights too.

In the UK, regulations and best practices for Paediatric First Aid (PFA) qualifications for sports coaches and those working in educational settings are guided by both statutory requirements and recommended practices to ensure the safety and well-being of children. Here, we take a closer look 


Arts / Sports Governing Bodies

Governing bodies require coaches to have PFA qualifications, the qualification suited especially for those working with children under 18

Best Practice

The Course Content

PFA courses should cover key areas such as CPR for children and infants, dealing with choking, recognising and responding to allergic reactions, managing injuries (e.g., fractures, bleeding), and handling medical emergencies like asthma attacks or seizures.

Practical hands-on training is essential to ensure competence in real-life scenarios and then under Trainer assessment to be classified as a qualified First Aider under UK standards. 

The UK now recognises part online then face to face, making for cost & time effective training.


Accreditation and Renewal

PFA courses should be accredited by recognised bodies.

The training provider should hold the correct qualifications and Due Diligence should be sort to find that standards will be met in relation to training and qualifications sourced.

Regular updates and renewal of qualifications are required every three years to keep skills and knowledge current.

Best practice is also a yearly refresher which can be achieved online.


Training Accessibility

Training should be accessible for all staff and coaches, with provisions for regular refresher courses.

Consideration should be given to the training of multiple staff members to ensure coverage during absences.


Policy and Risk Assessment

Organisations should have clear policies outlining the requirement for PFA qualifications.

Risk assessments should be conducted to ensure adequate first aid coverage based on the number of children, the nature of activities, and the specific needs of the children involved.


Documentation and Compliance

Keeping detailed records of staff qualifications, training dates, and renewal schedules is essential for compliance and safety audits.

Regular reviews and updates of first aid policies in line with current guidelines and regulations ensure ongoing compliance and safety.

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